Pixel Quilts

Pixel Quilts Logo Final


May 24, 2022 |Posted by Admin | Quilts
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I don’t do selfies.

They make me cringe.

I am not photogenic and as a complete introvert, seeing myself on camera or front and centre on a video makes me want to crawl in a hole and hide!

So why the heck did I decide that it was a good idea to make a quilt of myself I hear you ask???!

I wanted to try out a new palette, one that only allowed me to use one colour – pink.

In retrospect pink is a very tricky colour to use when it comes to peoples faces. Just a touch too light and everything is washed out and a tad too dark and it looks wrong.

Case in point this shade:

Please note – the dodgy eyebrow that looked like it had been partially shaved off and the completely wrong darker shade that looked like i’d had a nasty accident.

Queue unpicking.

lots of it.

It is usually at this point with anything I make, where mistakes have been made and there is obviously a need to plough some time into the unpicking – that I want to give up. Pack up said project and stuff it in a closet.

I hate mistakes. I hate what feels like wasted time and I often undertake the unpicking whilst very grumpy. Yet, as much as I hate it, it is the mistakes that make me grow.

The Selfie quilt is 96″ x 72″ with 2,341 pieces in 8 different shades of pink. It took around 100 hours to make.