Pixel Quilts

Pixel Quilts Logo Final


May 24, 2022 |Posted by Admin | Quilts
Featured Image

If there was an image that I could choose that represents 2021 to me, its the image of Bernie in his mittens, sat at the inauguration looking like he had brought his own lunch. Watching it live, the juxtaposition of him and the celebrities just made me smile.

So it seemed only fitting that this was my next project.

Plus my friend back home is a big Bernie fan.

I found the image of Bernie and cut out the background before pixelating it.

I had never done a whole body before, usually option for a close up of a face, so I knew I was going to lose a level of detail that would usually come with a pixel quilt. But the image was so iconic, I thought that it needed a whole body shot.

He is currently awaiting quilting (and the addition of his iconic glasses) ready to be shown off in his own photoshoot..